Saturday 30th November 2024 saw Food For Children Totnes CIC hold its first AGM and also a major fundraiser to create awareness and raise much needed funds to ensure the sustainability of the Company.
The AGM was attended by members of Totnes Town Council and others. Jo Yeo, Chair accompanied by the two other Directors, Jen Cohen & Susie Watt, read through the Annual Report. The full Report is available from the Company Secretary via email on: . It will also be available on our website in due course. Food For Children also thanked those who’s donations both in time, equipment, storage, monetary and food products, enabled the Company to provide over 11,800 meals from February 2023 to October 2024 and continue with their commitment to support.
Food For Children Totnes CICs primary objective now - to encourage the remaining 35 primary schools in the South Hams to ensure they inform their low income parents of the service which FFC (Food For Children) can offer them during the school holidays and increase referrals from those schools. FFC are aware that within Devon and especially the South Hams there were 15% of 38,000 0-15yrs in Devon during 2022/23 living below the breadline – this figure is expected to increase substantially.
It was also further discussed and agreed unanimously that there would be a name change to enable the Company to operate over a wider area and, therefore, Food For Children Totnes CIC will apply to have its registered name changed to ‘FOOD FOR CHILDREN’. It was further agreed to investigate changing the Company status from a CIC (Community Interest Company) to a Charity. Its Aims & Objectives will also be amended to accommodate the Organisation’s expected expanding operations.
FFC is looking to hold ‘Pop Up Wonky Food Cafes’ during the school holidays as they have been offered wonky food from a Pie & Quiche making Company. FFC will utilise Village Halls in the area and provide free meals of Pie, Mash & Gravy, or Quiche and Jacket Potatoes to low income families and pensioners in the area to create a ‘hub’ of Community Connections between the young & old, with table board games after the lunches.
A Fundraising & Awareness Strategy is being developed and will be published on the FFC website in due which will highlight many more fundraising events.
The Fundraiser held after the AGM, in the ballroom of The Seven Stars Hotel raised £4,743.00 due to the incredible Sponsorship provided by The Seven Stars Hotel, Sandridge Barton, Heron Construction Limited, The Totnes Pulse, Roundham Garage, Wotton Printers and Funk & Disorderly, who’s generosity enabled 100% of every penny of the ticket donations to go to Food For Children Totnes CIC – thanks to those who attended the event. The raffle prizes donated by businesses in Totnes and surrounding area also raised over £500 – thanks go to those who supported Food For Children Totnes CIC.
Awareness & Sustainability are key to the continued success of Food For Children and we thank you all for your invaluable support in helping us ensure these children continue to be provided with mealkits during the school holidays.